High School Photos

Use this album to upload photos of the high school and stories to share with classmates. The photo and commentary below are from a Facebook site called Preserveoregon.

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"I think The Dalles High School is flat out one of the coolest Streamlined Modern buildings in Oregon. Streamlined gets lumped in with “Art Deco” but that’s another post. The high school, built in 1941, has amazing detail on virtually every facade and the District should be commended for taking good care to keep it that way. This is the metal screen from the ticket booth at the gym. Can I just say Wow!"
Photo: I think The Dalles High School is flat out one of the coolest Streamlined Modern buildings in Oregon.  Streamlined gets lumped in with “Art Deco” but that’s another post.  The high school, built in 1941, has amazing detail on virtually every facade and the District should be commended for taking good care to keep it that way.  This is the metal screen from the ticket booth at the gym.  Can I just say Wow!


